Row materials

Petrex Ltd. is a private company, founded in 2000 by Simeon Petrov, who is also its general manager. Petrex Ltd. specializes in whole sale of raw materials and other products for the coatings and plastics industries.

The company is the exclusive representative and distributor for Bulgaria and Romania of leading European producers of major products essential for the manufacture of resins, dyes, latex, dry construction compounds, PVC profiles and others.

Titanium Dioxide, inorganic & organic pigments, speciality pigments, silicones, anti corrosion additives, fatty acids (TOFA), emulsifying agents, coalescent agents, speciality follers, filters for liquids, polyols,
Zink dust прах, pigment pastes
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Technical advices, know how, samples, starting formulations that include the row materials delivered from our company.
Assistance during new products development including consultations with specialist and technologists from manufacturing companies
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